Copyright © 2016-2023 ZTGH Zarek Taylor Grossman Hanrahan
Copyright © 2016-2023 ZTGH Zarek Taylor Grossman Hanrahan
Copyright © 2016-2023 ZTGH Zarek Taylor Grossman Hanrahan
To access our simplified EUO referral form, please go to
Recent and pending changes in the world of accident benefits make the examination under oath an even more important part of the Section 33 investigation toolkit. With the advent of the LAT, it will be more important than ever to have early, comprehensive investigation on your accident benefits files. The new four week elimination period for non-earner benefits additionally makes it even more critical to learn as much as possible about disability issues as soon as a claim for statutory accident benefits is presented.
Of course, an EUO remains a critical step of adjusting accident benefit files where there are priority, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Special Investigation concerns as well.
Our EUO practice group is structured in such a way as to give our clients timely service where an EUO is requested either under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule or under Ontario Regluation 283/95, matching each file to a lawyer with appropriate background and expertise while ensuring that the EUO happens as quickly as possible following the referral to our office.
We also welcome your referrals for EUO work on property claims pursuant to the Homeowners policy or Commercial property policies. The EUO can explore concerns about the manner in which the loss occurred or the amount being claimed.
Please contact either of our practice chairs, Andrew McKague and Sonya Katrycz, or contact us through [email protected] .
Please scroll through the list of our Examination Under Oath (euo) lawyers: