10th Annual Educational Seminar at the King Edward Hotel
Jennifer Griffiths is Presenting at the BDO Canada Accident Benefits Conference in Ottawa
Eric Grossman and Michael Taylor are presenting at the OBA Anatomy of a Trial Program seminar
Jennifer Griffiths is presenting at the BDO 22nd Annual Accident Benefits Conference on “The Perfect Accident Benefits File”
Jennifer Griffiths is presenting at the Advocates’ Society Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) Advocacy Program
Nathalie Rosenthall is speaking at the Osgoode Accident Benefits 2018: What’s Current, What’s Important Seminar
Heather Kawaguchi is presenting at the Motor Vehicle Litigation Summit 2018
Eric Grossman speaking at Medico-Legal Society of Toronto’s Don’t Be CAT-atonic Seminar
Eric Grossman Presenting the the 13th Annual National Forum on Administrative Law and Practice
Tanya Zigomanis is Presenting at the OBA Program on the Intersection Between Insurance Law and Workers’ Compensation Law
Nathalie Rosenthall speaking at the OIAA Claims Conference
Nathalie Rosenthall is Presenting at the OIAA Claims Conference on Loss Transfer and Priority Issues
Timothea Leung, Marni Miller, and Meredith Harper are presenting at the CDL: Preparing for your first arbitration or trial
Eric Grossman Presenting at the OTLA Fall Conference: Battle Tactics for Trial Lawyers
Thriving in Changing Times: ZTGH’s 9th Annual Seminar
Eric Grossman is presenting at the OTLA Spring Conference on New CAT definitions – What has been working?
Eric Grossman and Marni Miller is presenting at the CDL Accident Benefits Spring Symposium
William Sproull is presenting at the Ontario Bar Association: “Update on the New AB Changes (Since April 1st and June 1st, 2016)
Eric Grossman speaking about the new CAT definition at Osgoode: Accident Benefits 2017, What is new? What is important?
Eric Grossman is presenting at CAT-apult Yourself into the New World of CAT and LAT
Eric Grossman presenting at the TAS, Tricks of the Trade on SABS and LAT: One year later