At ZTGH, we act for persons contesting wills. We also defend estates against persons contesting a will. Whether defending or attacking a will, the guiding principles are the same: a will should reflect what the deceased genuinely wanted when she was of sound mind.
Sometimes, when a person is ill, frail, or near the end of life, they change or amend their will. That alone is not grounds to challenge the will. But, what if someone is taking advantage of a mentally incompetent person? What if your loved one falls under the influence of someone who is trying to gain personally by causing changes to a will? Changes made to a will by a person lacking mental capacity can be challenged. Such changes can also be challenged if the person was improperly influenced or coerced into making the amendment. At ZTGH, we mount challenges to wills if they are made without capacity or under undue influence.
When a loved one passes away, family emotions are elevated. And when that person’s last will and testament is administered, often someone feels left out or cheated. But those feelings alone do not justify attacking a will. In fact, a person is free to select his beneficiaries, and exclude whomever she chooses. A person is free to leave more to one person than to another. At ZTGH, we defend wills and Estate Trustees against such attacks